Nayarambalam Bhagavathy Temple. One of the historic temples in Ernakulam district. Here is some rare images and descriptions of the temple idols. Festival news. Etc. Watch on. Just note that this blog is not the official blog of the temple.
Established on 18/5/1926 (ME. 1101 Edavam 4) under the management of Nayarambalam Nair Karayogam. It may be the first UP/High school in Nayarambalam Kara. Founder and Manager of the school is Late Komankottil Kuttan Menon. Presently it is managed by Nayarambalam Nair Karayogam. The school was begun with the basic facilities for a primary school in a temporary shed and was upgrade to a High School in its own permanent building. Today the school is upgraded to first grade Higher secondary School offering finest quality education.
In 2000-2001 BVHS celebrated its platinum Jubilee. In memory of the occasion, a two storied building was inagurated by the Honorable Educational Minister Sri. Nalakath Soupy on 23rd December 2001.
CLICK_ON_THE_IMAGE_TO_ENLARGE This is Ramankulangara Temple. This temple was managed by Paliyat Achan in ancient times. Those times there were a trial by red-hot iron or molten lead ordeal used to be held till about the eighteenth century. In the temple entrance the accused has to hold a red-hot iron or molten lead drop to his palm. If he burns, he will be judged as a culprit. But unfortunately no survival were reported.
For more info: Cochin State Manual by C.Achutha Menon
In ancient times this temple was managed by Paliyam Royal Family. Paliyath Achan was directly involved in the festival of this temple. But when the Royal family was divided the temple administration gone to a trust organized by them. Later in recent times the trust has transferred the administration to local Karayogam. Festival is observed in Punartham in Kumbha (normally in February-March)
Notes: Veliyathamparampu is a local territory of Nayarambalam. This temple has some connections with Bhagavathy Temple Nayarambalam. I say this because, during the Talappoli Ulsavam is being celebrated, some temple men carries prasadam or something like that to Ramankulangara Temple from Nayarambalam Bhagavathy Temple. This sight I was seeing since my childhood days. It was on night times, in the escort of some men with Changalavatta and Kolvilakku etc. But I don't know the purpose of the journey. ദേവിയുടെ അനുഗ്രഹം നാട്ടിലെ നാനാ ദിക്കുകളിലേക്കും വിതരണം ചെയ്യുവാനാണ് ഈ യാത്ര എന്ന് ചില ആളുകള് പറയുന്നു. ഒരു ചെണ്ടയും വിളക്കേന്തിയ കുറെ ആളുകളും ഇരുട്ടില് എങ്ങോട്ടോ പോകുന്നു. ഈ കാഴ്ച ചെറുപ്പത്തില് എന്തോ നിഗൂഡമായ ഒരു അനുഭവമാണ് എന്നില് ഉണ്ടാക്കിയിരുന്നത്.
CLICK_ON_THE_IMAGE_TO_ENLARGE Yakshithara is situated near the eastern side of the temple, outside the Nalambalam and the orbitting way. The idol is sculpted in rock. Palpayasam, Pattucharthal, Manjapodi Vella nedyam are the main offerings of the shrine.
CLICK_ON_THE_IMAGE_TO_ENLARGE This is Bhagavathy Temple, Nayarambalam. One of the most important temples of Vypeen Island and Ernakulam District. In this blog, I wish to post some photographs of Nayarambam Bhagavathy Temple. And I request to the readers to share the legends and background stories of related with this temple. I am not aware about this completely...